

luxury wedding photography



June 21, 2015

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I'm a fine art wedding photographer dual-based in San Diego and Chicago. Thanks for checking out my work! Stay a while and say hello!

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The Jenna marie Wedding coverage guide

Ever wonder how much time you need for each part of the day on a wedding? I'm giving you my guide for free!



Things have been pretty quiet around here, and for a good reason! On Monday, June 8th at 4:14am, Jake and I welcomed our first baby into this world. Introducing Landon Vern — 8lbs 1 oz, 21 in.

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To say that my heart is full and so overjoyed doesn’t begin to describe my feelings! This little dude is my everything. I have more love than I ever realized I could have for him.

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Our little dude was 4 days late. I hadn’t been feeling any signs of labor coming whatsoever, that is, until Sunday morning of the 7th. I woke up early with a feeling of needing to go to the bathroom. After laying in bed contemplating if I wanted to get up and if I’d be able to get back to bed after (it was 6:15am), I finally decided to just go. As I walked into the bathroom, I felt a weird sensation that ended up being my water breaking. After an hour sitting by myself wondering if it was my water breaking, Jake finally woke up looking for me. As a concerned husband, he had me call the doctor on-call to see what she thought. After hearing my story, she told me to head into the hospital and go to triage.

Fast forward to 9am and we were on our way to the hospital! After initial assessments in triage, they were able to confirm that my water did indeed break so they admitted me into labor + delivery. Jake and I were feeling so many emotions — just not able to grasp the beautiful reality that today was it, today was the day that our son would be coming into this world, that we’d be parents and life would forever be changed.

I had a great labor + delivery, though long! The doctor thought he would have arrived Sunday night (the 7th) around 8 or 9. With my mom, family friend Cheryl, and Ryan and Katie (Jake’s brother and his wife) sitting in the hospital for hours, 9pm passed with no sign of the babe. Finally around 3:30am, I told the nurse that I thought it was time and we began pushing! A short 30-45 minutes of minimal pushing and he arrived — the most beautiful healthy baby boy! To much surprise (being he was 4 days late AND a Norwegian baby AND the son of my husband who has wide shoulders and was 9lbs 2oz), he was a small 8lbs 1oz! He let out a small cry, then immediately turned into the baby we know today — a quiet calm peaceful little guy.

The moment he was born, Jake and I shared such a special moment together <3 Words can’t describe it, but somehow I’ve found more love for that man <3

And what made Landon’s day of birth that much more special? The fact that he was born on our beloved dog, Brick’s birthday! That’s right — both of our babies share the same birthday!!

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That night/morning, Jake and I stayed awake just staring at our little man. And then we stayed up all day visiting with family and doing more staring. That night we finally got sleep after being up 40 straight hours. This little dude is an angel and slept like a champ, allowing us to get really rested after one night.

After our 2 day stay, were discharged on Wednesday and headed home. That day was so exciting for us but also a bit stressful. We came home to introduce Brick to Landon. We underestimated just how excited she was going to be. She pretty much hyperventilated the rest of the day and we were scared she was going to kill herself. Then we had a family member experiencing chest pain and went into the hospital that day. And then a few other things to add on top. BUT day 2 was much smoother.

The transition to mommy though has been so easy! I’m convinced I have the best baby ever. The first day we got home and every night since, Landon has slept in his crib – YAY! He’s been a breastfeeding champ making that super easy and rewarding! He never cries unless he needs something, and even when he does cry it lasts for 2 seconds. At night, he sleeps sooo well, only being awake after Jake and I fight to wake him up at night to feed :) Literally he’s making this easy. I feel rested every day, shower every day (and sometimes get a hot bath in too!), and just feel great! Thank you to whoever is looking out for me!

And as for his name, Landon is just a favorite name of ours. His middle name, though, is a family name. Jake and I are in a unique situation where both of our fathers have the same name – my dad, LaVern and his dad, Vernon. Seeing they both went/go by Vern, we stuck with that to pay tribute to both dads <3


I have so many more stories to share about him and the love I have, so stay tuned to the blog to read more about my transition from pregnant lady to mommy <3

  1. […] on the other hand, I’m so overjoyed today to celebrate Father’s Day. If you caught my previous post, you’ll know that Jake and I had our baby less than 2 weeks ago making today Jake’s 1st […]

  2. […] got busy and this was one of those things that fell to the bottom of the priority list! Now that Landon is here, time to post a pregnancy […]

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With an eye for detail and a heart for love, my style is chic, intimate, and intentional imagery that focuses on authentic and emotional storytelling. I appreciate natural light, beautiful tones brought to life on medium format, and fresh air. I want to create luminous works of art to tell your love story for years to come!






Ever wonder how much time you need for each part of the day on a wedding? I'm giving you my guide for free!




Ever wonder how much time you need for each part of the day on a wedding? I'm giving you my guide for free!

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